Exhibitor Registration

The Golden Valley Pride Festival is a great opportunity to get in front of 8,000+ people from Golden Valley, the surrounding Western suburban communities, and attendees from all over the Twin Cities Metro Area. This is the perfect opportunity to show them your business/organization values the wonderful diversity of these communities and to get your message in front of a large number of people.

Consider being a SPONSOR instead for more visibility and a bigger impact! Sponsorships start as low as $500 for Bronze Level. CLICK HERE.

How to Become an Exhibitor

Exhibitor* levels are: $150 for Community Organizations/Non Profits and $200 for Businesses/For Profit Vendors.

PLEASE NOTE: This is only registration for non-food exhibitors. If you are a food vendor/food truck please email register@goldenvalleypride.com instead and someone will reach out to you.

  1. Sign up to be an exhibitor by filling out this form.

  2. Prior to payment, Golden Valley Pride must accept your registration via email confirmation.

  3. Once you received confirmation, make your exhibitor payment via this link.

  4. Email the following, upon application approval, to register@goldenvalleypride.com. (Details at bottom of page.)

    • A completed Minnesota ST19 form (whether selling merchandise or not).

    • Certificate(s) of Liability Insurance in the amount of $1 million. Golden Valley Community Foundation and the City of Golden Valley must both be named as additional insured for the event.

  5. After you've registered, review the Sponsor and Exhibitor Additional Information packet.

*Exhibitors are provided a 12’x12’ booth space at the festival. No additional recognition or benefits are included (versus Sponsorships, which have additional visibility.)

General Liability Insurance & ST19 Details

As we continue to increase the accessibility, safety, and security of attendees, participants, and staff, we must ensure every exhibitor has appropriate insurance coverage. All exhibitors and sponsors with a booth are REQUIRED to provide a Certificate(s) of Liability Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 (minimum) or more naming both the Golden Valley Community Foundation and the City of Golden Valley  as additional insured on the policy for the event. Certificates of Liability Insurance can be obtained from your current insurance provider. Addresses (for your providers) are as follows:

  • Golden Valley Community Foundation, 316 Brookview Parkway, Golden Valley, MN 55426.

  • City of Golden Valley, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN, 55427

NOTE: Both the Certificate of Liability Insurance and ST19 form are required to participate in the festival and must be received prior to the festival. No refunds will be issued if these are not received prior to the festival.